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Navegando por Autor Lifshitz, Fima

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Data do documentoTítuloAutor(es)Tipo
Ago-2001Incomplete carbohydrate absorption from fruit juice consumption after acute diarrheaRibeiro Jr, Hugo; Ribeiro, Tereza Cristina; Valois, Sandra; Mattos, Angela; Lifshitz, FimaArtigo de Periódico
1991Alanine-based oral rehydration therapy for infants with acute diarrheaRibeiro Jr., Hugo Da Costa; Lifshitz, FimaArtigo de Periódico
2003Carbohydrate malabsorption may increase daily energy requirements in infantsValois, Sandra; Rising, Russell; Duro, Debora; Cole, Conrad; Cedillo, Maribel; Lifshitz, FimaArtigo de Periódico
2005Controlled, double-blind, randomized clinical trial to evaluate the impact of fruit juice consumption on the evolution of infants with acute diarrheaValois, Sandra; Ribeiro, Hugo Costa; Mattos, Ângela; Ribeiro, Tereza C.; Mendes, Carlos Maurício Cardeal; Lifshitz, FimaArtigo de Periódico