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Navegando por Autor Macedo, Samuel Marques

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Data do documentoTítuloAutor(es)Tipo
2008Mineral composition of wheat flour consumed in Brazilian citiesAraujo, Rennan Geovanny Oliveira; Macedo, Samuel Marques; Korn, Maria das Graças Andrade; Pimentel, Maria Fernanda; Bruns, Roy Edward; Ferreira, Sergio Luis CostaArtigo de Periódico
2005Method development for the determination of manganese in wheat flour by slurry sampling flame atomic absorption spectrometryAraujo, Rennan Geovanny Oliveira; Dias, Fábio de Souza; Macedo, Samuel Marques; Santos, Walter Nei Lopes dos; Ferreira, Sergio Luis CostaArtigo de Periódico
2005Method development for the determination of manganese in wheat flour by slurry sampling flame atomic absorption spectrometryAraujo, Rennan Geovanny Oliveira; Dias, Fábio de Souza; Macedo, Samuel Marques; Santos, Walter Nei Lopes dos; Ferreira, Sergio Luis CostaArtigo de Periódico
2011Speciation analysis of inorganic antimony in airborne particulate matter employing slurry sampling and HG QT AASFerreira, Sergio Luis Costa; Macedo, Samuel Marques; Santos, Debora C. dos; Jesus, Raildo M. de; Santos, Walter Nei Lopes dosArtigo de Periódico
2010Inorganic As speciation and bioavailability in estuarine sediments of Todos os Santos Bay, BA, BrazilHatje, Vanessa; Macedo, Samuel Marques; Jesus, R. M. de; Cotrim, G.; Garcia, K. S.; Queiroz, Antônio Fernando de Souza; Ferreira, Sergio Luis CostaArtigo de Periódico
2010Development of an analytical approach for determination of total arsenic and arsenic (III) in airborne particulate matter by slurry sampling and HG-FAASMacedo, Samuel Marques; Santos, Debora C. dos; Jesus, Raildo M. de; Rocha, Gisele Olímpio da; Ferreira, Sergio Luis Costa; Andrade, Jailson Bittencourt deArtigo de Periódico
2009Determination of total arsenic and arsenic (III) in phosphate fertilizers and phosphate rocks by HG-AAS after multivariate optimization based on Box-Behnken designMacedo, Samuel Marques; Jesus, Raildo M. de; Garcia, Karina S.; Hatje, Vanessa; Queiroz, Antônio Fernando de Souza; Ferreira, Sergio Luis CostaArtigo de Periódico
2010Estratégias analíticas para análise de especiação de arsênio, antimônio e selênio em amostras ambientais usando amostragem por suspensão e HG AASMacedo, Samuel MarquesTese
2013Slurry Sampling and HG AFS for the Determination of Total Arsenic in Rice SamplesSantos, Walter Nei Lopes dos; Cavalcante, Dannuza D.; Macedo, Samuel Marques; Nogueira, Jéssica S.; Silva, Erik Galvão Paranhos daArtigo de Periódico