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Navegando por Autor Minn, A.

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1999Mechanisms of apomorphine cytotoxicity towards rat glioma C6 cells: protection by bovine serum albumin and formation of apomorphine-protein conjugatesEl-Bachá, Ramon dos Santos; Netter, Patrick; Minn, A.Artigo de Periódico
25-Ago-2000Glucuronidation of apomorphineEl-Bachá, Ramon dos Santos; Leclerc, S.; Netter, Patrick; Magdalou, J.; Minn, A.Artigo de Periódico
2001Is apomorphine neurotoxic?El-Bachá, Ramon dos Santos; Daval, Jean-Luc; Netter, Patrick; Minn, A.Artigo de Periódico
Jul-2001Inhibition of Rat Brain Microsomal Cytochromes P450-dependent Dealkylation Activities by an Oxidative StressLagrange, P.; El-Bachá, Ramon dos Santos; Netter, Patrick; Minn, A.Artigo de Periódico