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2000The alkaline silica-saturated ultrapotassic magmatism of the Riacho do Pontal Fold Belt, NE Brazil: an example of syenite–granite Neoproterozoic associationPlá Cid, J.; Nardi, L. V. S.; Conceição, Hebert; Bonin, Bernard; Sá, E. F. Jardim deArtigo de Periódico
2000Paleoproterozoic late-orogenic and anorogenic alkaline granitic magmatism from northeast BrazilPlá Cid, J.; Bitencourt, M. F.; Nardi, L. V. S.; Conceição, Herbet; Bonin, Bernard; Lafon, J. M.Artigo de Periódico
2001Anorogenic alkaline granites from northeastern Brazil: major, trace, and rare earth elements in magmatic and metamorphic biotite and Na-mafic mineralsPlá Cid, J.; Nardi, L. V. S.; Conceição, Herbet; Bonin, BernardArtigo de Periódico