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dc.contributor.authorLima, Josilene B. T.-
dc.contributor.authorRibeiro, Guilherme S.-
dc.contributor.authorCordeiro, Soraia Machado-
dc.contributor.authorGouveia, Edilane L.-
dc.contributor.authorSalgado, Kaátia-
dc.contributor.authorReis, Mitermayer G.-
dc.contributor.authorKo, Albert I.-
dc.contributor.authorReis, Joice N.-
dc.creatorLima, Josilene B. T.-
dc.creatorRibeiro, Guilherme S.-
dc.creatorCordeiro, Soraia Machado-
dc.creatorGouveia, Edilane L.-
dc.creatorSalgado, Kaátia-
dc.creatorReis, Mitermayer G.-
dc.creatorKo, Albert I.-
dc.creatorReis, Joice N.-
dc.descriptionTexto completo: acesso restrito. p.1577-1584pt_BR
dc.description.abstractSince the introduction of Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) conjugate vaccines, meningitis caused by serotypes other than Hib has gained in importance. We conducted active hospital-based surveillance for meningitis over an 11-year period in Salvador, Brazil. H. influenzae isolates were serotyped and analyzed by polymerase chain reaction, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, and DNA sequencing to identify strains with a specific deletion (IS1016) in the bexA gene (IS1016-bexA). We identified 43 meningitis cases caused by non-type b H. influenzae: 28 (65%) were caused by type a (Hia), 9 (21%) were caused by noncapsulated strains, and 3 (7%) each were caused by types e and f. Hia isolates clustered in 2 clonal groups; clonal group A strains (n = 9) had the IS1016-bexA deletion. Among children <5 years of age, meningitis caused by Hia from clonal group A had higher case-fatality than meningitis caused by clonal group B. Despite small numbers, these results indicate that the presence of the IS1016-bexA deletion is associated with enhanced virulence in non-type b H. influenzae.pt_BR
dc.titlePoor clinical outcome for meningitis caused by Haemophilus influenzae serotype A strains containing the IS1016-bexA deletionpt_BR
dc.title.alternativeJournal of Infectious Diseasespt_BR
dc.typeArtigo de Periódicopt_BR
dc.identifier.numberv. 202, n. 10pt_BR
Aparece nas coleções:Artigo Publicado em Periódico Estrangeiro (ISC)

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J Infect Dis.-2010-Lima-1577-84.pdf
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