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dc.contributor.authorArteaga, Juan Manuel Sánchez-
dc.contributor.authorEl-Hani, Charbel Niño-
dc.creatorArteaga, Juan Manuel Sánchez-
dc.creatorEl-Hani, Charbel Niño-
dc.descriptionTexto completo: acesso restrito. p. 607-629pt_BR
dc.description.abstractThis paper analyzes the debates on “interracial competition” and “racial extinction” in the biological discourse on human evolution during the second half of the nineteenth century. Our intention is to discuss the ideological function of these biological concepts as tools for the naturalization and scientific legitimation of racial hierarchies during that period. We argue that the examination of these scientific discussions about race from a historical perspective can play the role of a critical platform for students and teachers to think about the role of science in current othering processes, such as those related to biomedical technosciences. If they learn how biological ideas played an ideological function concerning interracial relationships in the past, they can be compelled to ask which ideological functions the biological knowledge they are teaching and learning might play now. If this is properly balanced, they can eventually both value scientific knowledge for its contributions and have a critical appraisal of some of its implications. We propose, here, a number of initial design principles for the construction of teaching sequences about scientific racism and science-technology-society relationships, yet to be empirically tested by iterative cycles of implementation in basic education and teacher education classrooms.pt_BR
dc.rightsAcesso Abertopt_BR
dc.source 10.1007/s11191-011-9384-xpt_BR
dc.titleOthering Processes and STS Curricula: From Nineteenth Century Scientific Discourse on Interracial Competition and Racial Extinction to Othering in Biomedical Technosciencespt_BR
dc.title.alternativeScience & Educationpt_BR
dc.typeArtigo de Periódicopt_BR
dc.identifier.numberv. 21, n. 5pt_BR
Aparece nas coleções:Artigo Publicado em Periódico (Biologia)

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