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dc.contributor.authorAraujo, Rafael B.-
dc.contributor.authorScheicher, Ralph H.-
dc.contributor.authorAlmeida, J. Souza de-
dc.contributor.authorSilva, A. Ferreira da-
dc.contributor.authorAhuja, Rajeev-
dc.creatorAraujo, Rafael B.-
dc.creatorScheicher, Ralph H.-
dc.creatorAlmeida, J. Souza de-
dc.creatorSilva, A. Ferreira da-
dc.creatorAhuja, Rajeev-
dc.descriptionTexto completo: acesso restrito. p. 9–13pt_BR
dc.description.abstractIn this paper we investigate lithium mobility in both Li2FeSiO4 and its half-lithiated state LiFeSiO4 considering an orthorhombic crystal structure. We find that the calculated activation energy of Li+ ions hopping between adjacent equilibrium sites predicts two least hindered diffusion pathways in both materials. One of them is along the [100] direction characterizing an ionic diffusion in a straight line and the other follows a zig-zag way between the Fe–Si–O layers. We also show that diffusion of Li+ ions in the half-lithiated structure follows the same behavior as in the lithiated structure. As a whole, the activation energies for the investigated compounds present a greater value compared with the activation energies in currently used materials such as LiFePO4. The results were calculated in the framework of density functional theory in conjunction with the climbing image nudged elastic band method. The Hubbard term was added to the Kohn–Sham Hamiltonian to overcome the delocalization problem of d electrons. Furthermore, the diffusion coefficients were calculated for both structures considering temperatures ranging from 300 to 700 K.pt_BR
dc.rightsAcesso Abertopt_BR
dc.subjectA. Lithium-ion battery materialpt_BR
dc.subjectD. Ionic diffusion propertiespt_BR
dc.subjectD. Electronic propertiespt_BR
dc.titleLithium transport investigation in LixFeSiO4: a promising cathode materialpt_BR
dc.title.alternativeSolid State Communicationspt_BR
dc.typeArtigo de Periódicopt_BR
dc.identifier.numberv. 173pt_BR
Aparece nas coleções:Artigo Publicado em Periódico (FIS)

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