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dc.contributor.authorCruz, André Luis da-
dc.contributor.authorFernandes, Marisa Narciso-
dc.contributor.authorCosta, Oscar Tadeu Ferreira da-
dc.contributor.authorPerry, Steven Franklin-
dc.creatorCruz, André Luis da-
dc.creatorFernandes, Marisa Narciso-
dc.creatorCosta, Oscar Tadeu Ferreira da-
dc.creatorPerry, Steven Franklin-
dc.descriptionTexto completo: acesso restrito. p. 961–970pt_BR
dc.description.abstractThe gills and the respiratory swim bladders of juvenile specimens (mean body mass 100 g) of the basal teleost Arapaima gigas (Cuvier 1829) were evaluated using stereological methods in vertical sections. The surface areas, harmonic mean barrier thicknesses and morphometric diffusing capacities for oxygen and carbon dioxide were estimated. The average respiratory surface area of the swim bladder (2173 cm2 kg−1) exceeded that of the gills (780 cm2 kg−1) by a factor of 2.79. Due to the extremely thin air–blood barrier in the swim bladder (harmonic mean 0.22 μm) and the much thicker water–blood barrier of the gills (9.61 μm), the morphometric diffusing capacity for oxygen and carbon dioxide was 88 times greater in the swim bladder than in the gills. These data clearly indicate the importance of the swim bladder, even in juvenile A. gigas that still engage in aquatic respiration. Because of the much greater diffusion constant of CO2 than O2 in water, the gills also remain important for CO2 release.pt_BR
dc.rightsAcesso Abertopt_BR
dc.source 10.1016/j.micron.2012.03.018pt_BR
dc.subjectBimodal respirationpt_BR
dc.subjectLamellar surface areapt_BR
dc.subjectWater/air–blood barrier thicknesspt_BR
dc.titleMorphometric partitioning of the respiratory surface area and diffusion capacity of the gills and swim bladder in juvenile Amazonian air-breathing fish, Arapaima gigaspt_BR
dc.typeArtigo de Periódicopt_BR
dc.identifier.numberv. 43, n. 9pt_BR
Aparece nas coleções:Artigo Publicado em Periódico (Biologia)

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