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dc.contributor.authorDemétrio, Franklin-
dc.contributor.authorSilva, Maria da Conceição Monteiro da-
dc.contributor.authorSantos, Sandra Maria Chaves dos-
dc.contributor.authorAssis, Ana Marlucia de Oliveira-
dc.creatorDemétrio, Franklin-
dc.creatorSilva, Maria da Conceição Monteiro da-
dc.creatorSantos, Sandra Maria Chaves dos-
dc.creatorAssis, Ana Marlucia de Oliveira-
dc.descriptionp. 5-16pt_BR
dc.description.abstractOBJECTIVE: This study aimed to determine the maternal meanings attributed to breastfeeding during the child's first two years of life. METHODS: This qualitative, exploratory and analytical study involved mothers that participated in a cohort from a larger study done in the municipalities of Mutuipe and Laje in the Recôncavo area of the State of Bahia, Brazil. The methodological resources included thorough individual interviews and thematic analysis. The meanings were analyzed by the theoretical framework of sociological phenomenology. RESULTS: The meanings stated by the mothers show the singularity of breastfeeding, the importance of family, spousal and health practitioner support, and knowledge about the benefits of breastfeeding for the mother's and child's health and nutritional status. CONCLUSION: The meanings attributed to breastfeeding in the child's first two years of life reflected the influences of complex networks of social relationships of the mother's social and cultural context and of the scientific and biomedical discourse.pt_BR
dc.rightsAcesso Abertopt_BR
dc.subjectChild nutritionpt_BR
dc.subjectPrenatal nutritionpt_BR
dc.subjectQualitative researchpt_BR
dc.subjectAleitamento maternopt_BR
dc.subjectNutrição infantilpt_BR
dc.subjectNutrição pré-natalpt_BR
dc.subjectPesquisa qualitativapt_BR
dc.titleMeanings attributed to breastfeeding in the first two years of life: a study with women from two municipalities in the Recôncavo Baiano region of Bahia, Brazilpt_BR
dc.title.alternativeRevista de Nutriçãopt_BR
dc.typeArtigo de Periódicopt_BR
dc.identifier.numberv. 26, n. 1pt_BR
Aparece nas coleções:Artigo Publicado em Periódico (Escola de Nutrição)

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