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dc.contributor.advisorCâmara, Antônio da Silva-
dc.contributor.authorAthayde, Adriano Souza de-
dc.creatorAthayde, Adriano Souza de-
dc.description.abstractA presente pesquisa situa-se na área da Sociologia da Arte, uma vez que faz reflexões sociológicas sobre as obras xilográficas do artista plástico alemão Hansen Bahia, interessando-se, principalmente, pelas representações sociais contidas em sua criação plástica erótica. A pesquisa compreende a obra de Hansen enquanto xilogravura e a sua relação com a obra de Jorge Amado, preocupando-se, sobretudo, com a relação da arte com os fenômenos sociais, no caso específico do artista pesquisado centra-se sobe uma leitura plástica das principais obras hansiana, produzidas entre as décadas de cinquenta e setenta do século passado, que apresentam como aspectos unificadores de sua composição a corporeidade e as condições sociais da população marginalizada de Salvador, residente do centro histórico da cidade, criando um paralelo entre sua estética e os textos amadianos.This research is located in the Art Sociology of the area, since it makes sociological reflections on the woodcut works of the German artist Hansen Bahia, interesting, mainly due to the social representations contained in its plastic creation erotic. The research comprises the work of Hansen as woodcut and its relationship with the work of Jorge Amado, concerned above all with the art of grating with social phenomena in the specific case of the artist researched focuses rises a plastic reading hansiana major works produced between the decades of fifty and seventy of the last century, which have the unifying aspects of its composition corporeality and social conditions of the marginalized population of Salvador, resident of the historic city center, creating a parallel between their aesthetic and the amadianos texts.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractThis research is located in the Art Sociology of the area, since it makes sociological reflections on the woodcut works of the German artist Hansen Bahia, interesting, mainly due to the social representations contained in its plastic creation erotic. The research comprises the work of Hansen as woodcut and its relationship with the work of Jorge Amado, concerned above all with the art of grating with social phenomena in the specific case of the artist researched focuses rises a plastic reading hansiana major works produced between the decades of fifty and seventy of the last century, which have the unifying aspects of its composition corporeality and social conditions of the marginalized population of Salvador, resident of the historic city center, creating a parallel between their aesthetic and the amadianos texts. Key words: Hansen Bahia, Woodcut, Eroticism, Art Sociologypt_BR
dc.rightsAcesso Abertopt_BR
dc.subjectHansen Bahiapt_BR
dc.subjectSociologia da artept_BR
dc.subjectArt sociologypt_BR
dc.titleHansen Bahia: um olhar sociológico sobre sua arte eróticapt_BR
dc.contributor.refereesSantos, José Antonio Saja Ramos Neves dos-
dc.contributor.refereesCosta, Roaleno Ribeiro Amâncio-
dc.publisher.departamentFaculdade de Filosofia e Ciências Humanaspt_BR
dc.publisher.departamentUniversidade Federal da Bahiapt_BR
dc.publisher.programPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Sociaispt_BR
dc.subject.cnpqCiências Sociaispt_BR
Aparece nas coleções:Dissertação (PPGCS)

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