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dc.contributor.advisorCravalho, Mark Andrew-
dc.contributor.authorBarbosa, Antonio Basílio Honorato-
dc.creatorBarbosa, Antonio Basílio Honorato-
dc.description.abstractO presente trabalho trata do tema morte que tem pairado sobre a atividade policial e ganhou notoriedade nas últimas três décadas. Para as ciências sociais, ainda há uma grande lacuna no campo de estudo sobre a morte. Em um inevitável campo de batalha, o uso da força letal por parte dos policiais militares e as mortes violentas destes mesmos profissionais se tornam tão banais que precisavam ser estudadas sobre o prisma que vá além da racionalidade e do pragmatismo. A concepção que o policial militar tem acerca da morte tem sido estruturada nos duros conflitos diários, bem como provoca um efeito devastador na relação que estes tem como os seus contendores na violência urbana em Salvador. Os discursos dos policiais militares denotam uma sensação de falta de reconhecimento da sociedade acerca dos esforços envidados para manutenção da paz pública, tendo em vista que muitas ações policiais condenadas, até pelo próprio comando da corporação, não levam em consideração as contingências da atividade. O limite da legalidade tem norteada a ação policial no âmbito uso da força letal, por isso, as questões de ordem ética são posta de lado quando é possível a justificação legal da morte do oponente. A intolerância dos policiais segue movida por uma ação política, exige respostas imediatas aos clamores sociais por segurança, sem que outros fatores de desajustes das condições de em comunidade sejam minorados. Ciente dos limites dos discursos, o romance “Sargento Getúlio”, escrito por João Ubaldo Ribeiro, traz, em meio a violência, elementos culturais, ideológicos e emocionais compondo um cenário que transcende o tempo e espaço na atividade policial militar no Brasil. Muito além da simples condenação da violência policial, o romance se integra a investigação através da compreensão de virtude ostentada pelo personagem Getúlio, em consonância com o próprio sentimento dos policiais informantes. The present work deals with the subject death that has dominated on the police activity and gained notoriety in last the three decades. For social sciences, still it has a great gap in the study field on the death. In an inevitable battlefield, the use of the lethal force on the part of the military policemen and the violent deaths of these same professionals if become so banal that they needed to be studied on the prism that goes beyond the rationality and the pragmatism. The conception that the military policeman has concerning the death has been structuralized in the hard daily conflicts, as well as provokes a bad effect in the relation that these has as its contenders in the urban violence in Salvador. The speeches of the military policemen denote a sensation of lack of recognition of the society concerning the efforts produced for maintenance of the public peace, in view of that many police actions the convict, even for the proper command of the corporation, do not take in consideration the contingencies of the activity. The limit of the legality has guided the police action in the scope use of the lethal force; therefore, the questions of ethical order are forgotten when the legal justification of the death of the opponent is possible. The preconception of the policemen follows moved for an action politics, demands immediate answers to the social outcries for security, without that other factors of misalignments of the conditions of in community are reduced. Knowing of the limits of the speeches, the romance "Getúlio Sergeant", written for João Ubaldo Ribeiro, brings, in way the violence, cultural, ideological and emotional elements composing a scene that exceeds the time and space in the police activity to militate in Brazil. Much beyond the simple conviction of the police violence, the romance if integrates the inquiry through the understanding of virtue exhibited for the Getúlio personage, in accord with the proper feeling of the informing policemen.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractThe present work deals with the subject death that has dominated on the police activity and gained notoriety in last the three decades. For social sciences, still it has a great gap in the study field on the death. In an inevitable battlefield, the use of the lethal force on the part of the military policemen and the violent deaths of these same professionals if become so banal that they needed to be studied on the prism that goes beyond the rationality and the pragmatism. The conception that the military policeman has concerning the death has been structuralized in the hard daily conflicts, as well as provokes a bad effect in the relation that these has as its contenders in the urban violence in Salvador. The speeches of the military policemen denote a sensation of lack of recognition of the society concerning the efforts produced for maintenance of the public peace, in view of that many police actions the convict, even for the proper command of the corporation, do not take in consideration the contingencies of the activity. The limit of the legality has guided the police action in the scope use of the lethal force; therefore, the questions of ethical order are forgotten when the legal justification of the death of the opponent is possible. The preconception of the policemen follows moved for an action politics, demands immediate answers to the social outcries for security, without that other factors of misalignments of the conditions of in community are reduced. Knowing of the limits of the speeches, the romance "Getúlio Sergeant", written for João Ubaldo Ribeiro, brings, in way the violence, cultural, ideological and emotional elements composing a scene that exceeds the time and space in the police activity to militate in Brazil. Much beyond the simple conviction of the police violence, the romance if integrates the inquiry through the understanding of virtue exhibited for the Getúlio personage, in accord with the proper feeling of the informing policemen. Word-key: Death; Violence; Militate Polices; Getúlio Sergeant.pt_BR
dc.rightsAcesso Abertopt_BR
dc.subjectPolicia Militarpt_BR
dc.subjectSargento Getúliopt_BR
dc.subjectMilitate Policespt_BR
dc.subjectGetúlio Sergeantpt_BR
dc.titleSargento Getúlio e outros sargentos: matar e morrer entre policiais militares em Salvadorpt_BR
dc.contributor.refereesCosta, Ivone Freire-
dc.contributor.refereesAlves, Paulo César Borges-
dc.contributor.refereesCravalho, Mark Andrew-
dc.publisher.departamentFaculdade de Filosofia e Ciências Humanaspt_BR
dc.publisher.departamentUniversidade Federal da Bahiapt_BR
dc.publisher.programPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Sociaispt_BR
dc.subject.cnpqCiências Sociaispt_BR
Aparece nas coleções:Dissertação (PPGCS)

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