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Tipo: Artigo de Periódico
Título: Zoneamento dos aqüíferos do estado da Bahia
Título(s) alternativo(s): Brazilian Journal of Aquatic Science and Technology
Autor(es): Maia, P. H. P.
Cruz, Manoel Jeronimo Moreira
Sampaio, M. C
Autor(es): Maia, P. H. P.
Cruz, Manoel Jeronimo Moreira
Sampaio, M. C
Abstract: The main objective of the research is to propose a zoning for the aquifers of Bahia state based on tectonic compartments, drainage patterns and directions of the main rivers of the state. The drainage is controlled by faults and fractures that result from various geological events. Assumption these structures that control the drainage are essential for accumulation and circulation of either surface water or groundwater. The result of this research was the emergence of large groups of aquifers in the State likely Hydrogeological Provinces and indication of different aquifer zones. The granular aquifers were divided into five provinces Hydrogeological with eleven different areas. The Karstic aquifers were targeted in eight provinces or areas Hydrogeological differentiated. The Metassedimentary aquifers were separated into nine distinct zones or units hydrogeological. And the Crystalline aquifers were divided into twenty-a Hydrogeological Provinces or areas aquifer from the analysis performed.
Palavras-chave: Zoning. Aquifers. Hydrogeological provinces.
Data do documento: 2009
Aparece nas coleções:Artigo Publicado em Periódico (IGEO)

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