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dc.contributor.authorSilva, Marcelo Santana-
dc.contributor.authorFernandes, Fábio Matos-
dc.contributor.authorTeixeira, Francisco Lima Cruz-
dc.contributor.authorTorres, Ednildo Andrade-
dc.contributor.authorRocha, Angela Machado-
dc.creatorSilva, Marcelo Santana-
dc.creatorFernandes, Fábio Matos-
dc.creatorTeixeira, Francisco Lima Cruz-
dc.creatorTorres, Ednildo Andrade-
dc.creatorRocha, Angela Machado-
dc.description.abstractIn 2005, the Brazilian government started the commercial production of biodiesel through the implementation of the National Program for Production and Use of Biodiesel (PNPB). From that year until 2012, the country became one of the largest biodiesel producers in terms of volume. The present study aims to critically analyze the Social Fuel Seal (SCS) established in PNPB as well as lifting the scenario on the effective participation of family farming in the program. This work is characterized as qualitative and exploratory, whose technical procedures were adapted to the literature search and data collection in government agencies involved with the program. The survey showed the following results: i) the modification of the law of SCS to promote the production of biodiesel has not provided positive results for the North and Northeast; ii) the acquisitions of family farming performed by biodiesel plants SCS presented a rather uneven performance among Brazilian regions; iii) the gross income per family in the Northeast during the study periods were low; iv) there are discrepancies in the figures one of the accredited program between regions cooperatives. In summary, despite the advancement of inclusion of biodiesel in Brazil’s energy matrix, this work shows that the SCS presented a scenario contrary to what was planned by the government, ie, the more developed regions have benefited most.pt_BR
dc.publisherCanadian Center of Science and Educationpt_BR
dc.rightsAcesso Abertopt_BR
dc.subjectSocial fuel sealpt_BR
dc.subjectRegional developmentpt_BR
dc.titleBiodiesel and the “Social Fuel Seal” in Brazil: fuel of social inclusion?pt_BR
dc.typeArtigo de Periódicopt_BR
dc.identifier.numberv. 6, n. 11, p. 212-228pt_BR
Aparece nas coleções:Artigo Publicado em Periódico (NPGA)

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