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Tipo: Artigo de Periódico
Título: School trajectory and teenage pregnancy in three Brazilian state capitals
Título(s) alternativo(s): Cadernos de Saúde Pública
Autor(es): Almeida, Maria da Conceição Chagas de
Aquino, Estela Maria Motta Lima Leão de
Barros, Antoniel Pinheiro de
Autor(es): Almeida, Maria da Conceição Chagas de
Aquino, Estela Maria Motta Lima Leão de
Barros, Antoniel Pinheiro de
Abstract: This paper describes the relationship between school trajectory and incidence of teenage pregnancy. A cross-sectional residence-based questionnaire was applied, interviewing 4,634 youth ages 18 to 24 years, selected through a stratified three-stage sample. For the present study, young people ages 20 to 24 years (65.6%) were chosen, with teenage pregnancy rates of 29.5% for females and 21.4% for males (in relation to their partners). Sexual debut was reported by 87% of women and 95.3% of men. The majority of young people reported irregular school trajectory, with 39% enrolled in school at the time of the study. Nearly half of those who had interrupted their studies at least once reported a teenage pregnancy. The main reasons for interrupting their studies were pregnancy and children for women and work for men. School dropout due to teenage pregnancy was mentioned by 40.1% of women for whom the outcome of pregnancy was a child. However, 20.5% had already dropped out of school before becoming pregnant.
Palavras-chave: Pregnancy in Adolescence
Educational Status
Gender Identity
Gravidez na Adolescência
Identidade de Gênero
Editora / Evento / Instituição: Cadernos de Saúde Pública
Data do documento: 2006
Aparece nas coleções:Artigo Publicado em Periódico Estrangeiro (ISC)

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