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Tipo: Artigo de Periódico
Título: Sensitivity and specificity of BCG scar reading in Brazil
Título(s) alternativo(s): The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease
Autor(es): Barreto, Mauricio Lima
Pereira, Susan Martins
Dourado, Maria Inês Costa
Cunha, Sérgio Souza da
Ichiara, Maria Yury
Hijjar, Miguel
Rodrigues, Laura Cunha
Goes, José Lima
Autor(es): Barreto, Mauricio Lima
Pereira, Susan Martins
Dourado, Maria Inês Costa
Cunha, Sérgio Souza da
Ichiara, Maria Yury
Hijjar, Miguel
Rodrigues, Laura Cunha
Goes, José Lima
Abstract: In a cross sectional survey within a community trial of BCG efficacy evaluation in Brazil, trained teams inspected children’s upper arms and obtained information on BCG vaccination from guardian letters and vaccination cards. Nurses re-examined the sub-sample of children blindly. High agreement was found between the two scar readings (Kappa = 0.839). High sensitivity and low specificity was observed when guardian or card information was the gold standard. Sensitivity remained high when guardian and card information agreed. When disagreement occurred, sensitivity remained high and specificity was very low. BCG scar is a good indicator of BCG vaccination.
Palavras-chave: validation
BCG vaccine
BCG scar
Data do documento: 2001
Aparece nas coleções:Artigo Publicado em Periódico Estrangeiro (ISC)

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