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dc.contributor.authorAmorim, Fabiola Negreiros de-
dc.contributor.authorCirano, Mauro-
dc.contributor.authorSoares, Ivan Dias-
dc.contributor.authorLentini, Carlos Alessandre Domingos-
dc.creatorAmorim, Fabiola Negreiros de-
dc.creatorCirano, Mauro-
dc.creatorSoares, Ivan Dias-
dc.creatorLentini, Carlos Alessandre Domingos-
dc.descriptiontexto completo: acesso restrito. p. 108–119.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractThe CamamuBay (CMB) is located on the narrowest shelf along the SouthAmerican coastline andclose to the formation of two majorWestern Boundary Currents (WBC), the Brazil/North Brazil Current (BC/NBC). These WBC flowclose to the shelf break/slope region and are expected to interactwith the shelf currents due to the narrowness of the shelf. The shelf circulation is investigated in terms of current variability based on an original data set covering the 2002–2003 austral summer and the 2003 austral autumn. The Results show that the currents at the shelf aremainlywind driven, experiencing a complete reversal between seasons due to a similar change in thewind field. Currents at the inner-shelf have a polarized nature, with the alongshore velocity mostly driven by forcings at the sub-inertial frequency band and the cross-shore velocity mainly supra-inertially forced, with the tidal currents playing an important role at this direction. The contribution of the forcing mechanisms at the mid-shelf changes between seasons. During the summer, forcings in the two frequency bands are important to drive the currents with a similar contribution of the tidal currents. On the other hand, during the autumn season, the alongshore velocity is mostly driven by sub-inertial forcings and tidally driven currents still remain important in both directions. Moreover, during the autumn when the stratification isweaker, the response of the shelf currents to the wind forcing presents a barotropic signature. The meso-scale processes related to the WBC flowing at the shelf/slope region also affect the circulation within the shelf, which contribute to cause significant current reversals during the autumn season. Currents at the shelf-estuary connection are clearly supra-inertially forcedwith the tidal currents playing a key role in the generation of the along-channel velocities. The sub-inertial forcings at this location act mainly to drive the weak ebb currents which were highly correlated with both local and remote wind forcing during the summer season.pt_BR
dc.description.sponsorshipWestern boundary currentspt_BR
dc.subjectSeasonal variationspt_BR
dc.subjectWind-driven circulationpt_BR
dc.subjectShelf currentspt_BR
dc.subjectTidally driven currentspt_BR
dc.titleCoastal and shelf circulation in the vicinity of Camamu Bay (141S), Eastern Brazilian Shelfpt_BR
dc.title.alternativeContinental Shelf Researchpt_BR
dc.typeArtigo de Periódicopt_BR
dc.identifier.numberv. 31.pt_BR
Aparece nas coleções:Artigo Publicado em Periódico (IGEO)

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