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Tipo: Artigo de Periódico
Título: Prevalence and risk factors associated to infection by Toxoplasma gondii in ovine in the State of Alagoas, Brazil
Título(s) alternativo(s): Parasitology Research
Autor(es): Pinheiro Junior, José Wilton
Mota, Rinaldo Aparecido
Oliveira, Andréa Alice da Fonseca
Faria, Eduardo Bento de
Gondim, Luis Fernando Pita
Silva, Aristeu Vieira da
Anderlini, Giulliano Aires
Autor(es): Pinheiro Junior, José Wilton
Mota, Rinaldo Aparecido
Oliveira, Andréa Alice da Fonseca
Faria, Eduardo Bento de
Gondim, Luis Fernando Pita
Silva, Aristeu Vieira da
Anderlini, Giulliano Aires
Abstract: The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibodies and to identify risk factors associated to the infection in the three meso-regions of the State of Alagoas, Brazil. A total count of 23 towns and 27 meat sheep farms were visited where blood samples were collected in order to perform the indirect immunofluorescence test to evaluate the antibodies presence. Questionnaires exploring the production system and nutritional, sanitary, and reproduction handling were handed out. The prevalence rate was 32.9% and the number of foci was 100%. In the multivariate statistical analysis, there was a significant association for the following variables: age (OR=4.01; C.I. 2.03–7.94), size of the property (or the farm; OR=0.48; C.I. 0.26–0.90), semiintensive rearing system (OR=3.17; C.I. 1.24–8.13), running water source (OR=3.13; C.I.–1.66–5.87), and presence of cats (OR=1.72; C.I. 1.08–2.75). It is concluded that sheep of the three meso-regions of the State of Alagoas are exposed to the infection caused by T. gondii with high prevalence. Control and prophylactic measures must be adopted seeking the improvement of the rearing system and the implantation of health promoting programs in cooperation with sheep farmers in order to elucidate the transmission means of this disease.
Editora / Evento / Instituição: Springer Verlag
Data do documento: 2009
Aparece nas coleções:Artigo Publicado em Periódico (EMV)

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