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dc.contributor.authorEl-Bachá, Ramon dos Santos-
dc.contributor.authorLeclerc, S.-
dc.contributor.authorNetter, Patrick-
dc.contributor.authorMagdalou, J.-
dc.contributor.authorMinn, A.-
dc.creatorEl-Bachá, Ramon dos Santos-
dc.creatorLeclerc, S.-
dc.creatorNetter, Patrick-
dc.creatorMagdalou, J.-
dc.creatorMinn, A.-
dc.description.abstractApomorphine, a dopaminergic receptor agonist, is largely used in the therapy of Parkinson's disease. In this study, we characterized the glucuronidation of apomorphine and other catechols in rat liver and brain microsomes, using UDP-[U-14C]glucuronic acid and separation of the glucuronides formed by a thin layer chromatographic method. Rat liver microsomes glucuronidate apomorphine at a significant rate, that was increased in the presence of dithiothreitol. Two apomorphine glucuronides were separated by high pressure liquid chromatography. We showed by electrospray mass spectrometry that both products were monoglucuronides. Other catechols were also glucuronidated in liver microsomes at various rates, and among them, 4-nitrocatechol was the most efficiently conjugated. in rat brain microsomes, only 4-nitrocatechol was significantly glucuroni-dated, suggesting that in the liver, several uridine-diphosphate glucuronosyltransferase (UGT) isoforms participate to the conjugation of catechols. To determine which isoforms catalyze apomorphine glucuronidation, two recombinant enzymes expressed in V79 cells were used. The isoform UGT1A6 was unable to glucuronidate apomorphine, but we observed a significant activity catalyzed by the isoform UGT2B1. These results provide, to our knowledge, the first demonstration of apomorphine conjugation by recombinant UGT2B1, and the first evidence of the lack of apomorphine glucuronidation in the rat brain.pt_BR
dc.description.sponsorshipCAPES, CNRS, EU Biomed 2 Project BMH-97-2621, Université Henri Poincaré -Nancy 1pt_BR
dc.subjectUGT isoformspt_BR
dc.subjectParkinson's diseasept_BR
dc.titleGlucuronidation of apomorphinept_BR
dc.typeArtigo de Periódicopt_BR
dc.identifier.numberv. 67, n. 14pt_BR
Aparece nas coleções:Artigo Publicado em Periódico (ICS)

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