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dc.contributor.authorPinho, Suani Tavares Rubim de-
dc.contributor.authorBacelar, F. S.-
dc.contributor.authorAndrade, Roberto Fernandes Silva-
dc.contributor.authorFreedman, H. I.-
dc.creatorPinho, Suani Tavares Rubim de-
dc.creatorBacelar, F. S.-
dc.creatorAndrade, Roberto Fernandes Silva-
dc.creatorFreedman, H. I.-
dc.descriptionTexto completo. Acesso restrito. p. 815–828pt_BR
dc.description.abstractA model consisting of a system of five ordinary differential equations to simulate the interactions between normal cells, cancer cells, endothelial cells, chemotherapy agent and anti-angiogenic agent in tumour growth is developed. By a partial analysis of the cancerfree subspace, it is shown how the anti-angiogenic agent may help the chemotherapy agent in controlling the cancer. This is illustrated by numerical examples and bifurcation diagramspt_BR
dc.publisherNonlinear Analysis: Real World Applicationspt_BR
dc.subjectDifferential equations modelpt_BR
dc.subjectCancer therapypt_BR
dc.titleA mathematical model for the effect of anti-angiogenic therapy in the treatment of cancer tumours by chemotherapypt_BR
dc.title.alternativeNonlinear Analysis: Real World Applicationspt_BR
dc.typeArtigo de Periódicopt_BR
dc.identifier.numberv. 14, n. 1pt_BR
Aparece nas coleções:Artigo Publicado em Periódico (FIS)

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