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dc.contributor.advisorCardel, Lídia Maria Pires Soares-
dc.contributor.authorCapinan, Ubiraneila Barbosa-
dc.creatorCapinan, Ubiraneila Barbosa-
dc.description.abstractNesta pesquisa, foi investigado, descrito e analisado o impacto das políticas públicas de certificação do autoreconhecimento como remanescente de quilombo e da titulação do território sobre a identidade étnica dos quilombos remanescentes Barra e Bananal - Rio de Contas/Ba. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, realizada por meio de um estudo de caso. Foram utilizadas variadas estratégias e técnicas de coleta de dados, tais quais: observação participante, entrevista semiestruturada, grupo focal, registro fotográfico etc. Tendo em vista o eixo metodológico da questão, adotou-se uma perspectiva diacrônica e sincrônica. Por um lado, realizou-se um levantamento bibliográfico sobre a história do Alto Sertão da Bahia, da escravidão em Rio de Contas e de referências de pesquisas sobre as comunidades quilombolas de Rio de Contas, anteriores às políticas públicas supramencionadas. Ainda como fonte diacrônica, investigou-se a memória social do grupo, por meio dos relatos de seus membros. Por outro lado, averiguou-se o presente etnográfico apreendido durante quatro viagens a campo. O marco teórico ateve-se a identidade social em sua variante étnica, bem como a sua constratividade, situacionalidade e caráter político. Ainda, buscando entender o sujeito e o grupo social em sua cosmologia, utilizou-se como categorias analíticas: memória, tempo, espaço e evento. Conclui-se, então, que as comunidades de Barra e Bananal buscam redefinir a identidade étnica outrora negativa e renunciada, numa identidade positiva, via o rótulo jurídico de quilombo remanescente (identidade quilombola). Assim, a identidade étnica tornou-se uma identidade racial e, sobretudo, política que permitiu ao grupo conquistar direitos identitários e territoriais. Todavia, a identidade étnica, enquanto variante da identidade social, continua a dividir espaço e a perder centralidade, nas relações cotidianas do grupo, para a “identidade de lavrador”, sendo esta alicerçada no modus vivendi camponês. In this research, there was the investigation, description and analysis of the impact of public policies regarding the self-knowledge as remainders of quilombos, and the titulation of the territorry about the ethnic identity of the remaining quilombos Barra and Bananal, located in Rio de Contas, Bahia. It is a qualitative research, carried out by means of a case study. Varied strategies and techniques for data collecting were used, such as: participative observation, semi-structured interview, focus group, photographic registration, etc. Taking into account the issue´s methodological axis, a diachronic and synchronic perspective was adopted. On the one hand, there was a bibliographical survey on the history of the Semi-Desert of Bahia, the slavery in Rio de Contas, and on the research references about the Rio de Contas quilombola communities previous to the aforementioned public policies. Still as a dichronic source, the group´s social memory was investigated through the narrative of its members. On the other hand, there was the ethnographic present that was apprehended in four field trips. The theoretical hallmark clinged to the social identity in its ethnic variant, as well as its contrastivity, situationality and political character. Seeking to understand the subject and the social group in its cosmology, the following were used as analytical categories: memory, time, space and event. The conclusion is, then, that the communities of Barra and Bananal seek to redefine their ethnic identity, formerly negative and renounced, into a positive identity, via the remanent legal label (quilombola identity). Thus, the ethnic identity has become a racial identity and, above all, a political one, which has enabled the group to conquer identity and territorial rights. However, the ethnic identity, as a variant of the social identity, continues sharing space and losing centrality in the group´s daily relations, to the “identity of tiller”, the latter being based on the peasant modus vivendi.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractIn this research, there was the investigation, description and analysis of the impact of public policies regarding the self-knowledge as remainders of quilombos, and the titulation of the territorry about the ethnic identity of the remaining quilombos Barra and Bananal, located in Rio de Contas, Bahia. It is a qualitative research, carried out by means of a case study. Varied strategies and techniques for data collecting were used, such as: participative observation, semi-structured interview, focus group, photographic registration, etc. Taking into account the issue´s methodological axis, a diachronic and synchronic perspective was adopted. On the one hand, there was a bibliographical survey on the history of the Semi-Desert of Bahia, the slavery in Rio de Contas, and on the research references about the Rio de Contas quilombola communities previous to the aforementioned public policies. Still as a dichronic source, the group´s social memory was investigated through the narrative of its members. On the other hand, there was the ethnographic present that was apprehended in four field trips. The theoretical hallmark clinged to the social identity in its ethnic variant, as well as its contrastivity, situationality and political character. Seeking to understand the subject and the social group in its cosmology, the following were used as analytical categories: memory, time, space and event. The conclusion is, then, that the communities of Barra and Bananal seek to redefine their ethnic identity, formerly negative and renounced, into a positive identity, via the remanent legal label (quilombola identity). Thus, the ethnic identity has become a racial identity and, above all, a political one, which has enabled the group to conquer identity and territorial rights. However, the ethnic identity, as a variant of the social identity, continues sharing space and losing centrality in the group´s daily relations, to the “identity of tiller”, the latter being based on the peasant modus vivendi. Key words: Peasantry. Ethnic Identity. Remanescent Quilombo. Public Policy. Barra and Bananal.pt_BR
dc.rightsAcesso Abertopt_BR
dc.subjectIdentidade étnicapt_BR
dc.subjectQuilombo remanescentept_BR
dc.subjectPolítica públicapt_BR
dc.subjectBarra e Bananalpt_BR
dc.subjectEthnic identitypt_BR
dc.subjectRemanescent quilombopt_BR
dc.subjectPublic policypt_BR
dc.titleO quilombo que remanesce: estudo de caso acerca dos impactos da política de certificação e de titulação do território sobre a identidade étnica dos quilombos remanescentes Barra e Bananal em Rio de Contas, Bahiapt_BR
dc.contributor.refereesEstrela, Ely Souza-
dc.contributor.refereesCarvalho, Maria Rosário Gonçalves de-
dc.contributor.refereesCardel, Lídia Maria Pires Soares-
dc.publisher.departamentFaculdade de Filosofia e Ciências Humanaspt_BR
dc.publisher.departamentUniversidade Federal da Bahiapt_BR
dc.publisher.programPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Sociaispt_BR
dc.subject.cnpqCiências Sociaispt_BR
Aparece nas coleções:Dissertação (PPGCS)

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